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The Role of Trustees in a Sectional Title Scheme

July 31, 2023


Have you ever wondered about "The Role of Trustees in a Sectional Title Scheme"? At Neotrend Real Estate, we believe that understanding this role is crucial for everyone living in such a scheme. Here's a simple guide to help you get to grips with it.

Overview of a Sectional Title Scheme

In South Africa, a sectional title scheme is where people own individual units but share common areas like gardens and hallways. It's a popular way to live, but it requires careful management, and that's where trustees come in.

Defining the Role of Trustees

Trustees are like the captains of a ship in a sectional title scheme. They are chosen by the residents and take care of the big and small things that keep the scheme running smoothly.

Key Responsibilities of Trustees

The Role of Trustees in a Sectional Title Scheme includes looking after the money, making sure rules are followed, and keeping everything in good repair. They have a big job to do, but it's vital for a happy living community.

Role of Trustees in Dispute Resolution

Sometimes, people disagree, and trustees are there to help sort things out. They will try to find a fair solution and make sure everyone can get along.

Trustees and Maintenance Responsibilities

Trustees also look after the upkeep of the common areas in a sectional title scheme. This means planning repairs, taking care of gardens, and ensuring that everything is safe and looks nice.

Trustees and Compliance with Legislation

There are laws that trustees must follow, like the Sectional Titles Schemes Management Act. If they don't, there could be serious problems. So, they always make sure to do things by the book.

The Importance of Professional Property Management

Being a trustee is a big responsibility. That's why companies like Neotrend Real Estate are here to help. We can assist trustees in managing everything effectively and make life easier for everyone in the scheme.


The Role of Trustees in a Sectional Title Scheme is essential for keeping everything running as it should. They look after money, maintenance, rules, and help solve problems. With help from professional property management companies like Neotrend Real Estate, trustees make living in a sectional title scheme a great experience.

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